Image of Woody Appleby
Woody Appleby
Image of Woody, Adria and dog Lucy
Adria, Lucy and Woody
Image of Adria Appleby
Adria Molinari

Hi, I’m Woody Appleby, CDO (Chief Design Officer).  I’m also a humorist, a gentleman, a lover of music, wine (red please), and the Green Bay Packers.  I love the outdoors, splitting wood, hiking, and working out with my fellow F3 pax ( at 5:30 AM.  In addition I am a highly skilled and much decorated All Terrain Bocce player…really!

Hi, I’m Adria Molinari, CPS (Chief Problem Solver) and CCB (Chief, Cook and Bottle washer)!  I’m a mother, animal lover (we have three rescued cats and a doberman), advocate for the developmentally disabled and I love to cook. I believe we can make a difference in the lives of others by the way we treat people.